Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Nightmare......SNEEZE!!! No way!

Monday March 28th started off like any other day, Draggin my butt out of bed feeling like I could stay there for ever!! Get ready, drive to work, get through the day munching on goldfish trying to keep my tummy settled, but by the time I get home, it's usually done playing nice, I change into my sweats and head to the couch, relaxation time. We are sitting watching t.v. and ah ah ah, CHOOOO - I sneezed really hard, and then yelled OUCH, and noticed that yes, I peed my pants! Oh geez not again!! I go upstairs, clean up and change my clothes, ya a little embarassing. I sit back down and I feel as if I am peeing my pants again, what the.... I go upstairs and I FREAK!! It's NOT pee!! I am bleeding!! DUSTINNNNNNN, It wasn't just like oh I am spotting let's see what happens, it's like oh my hell I don't have a good feeling this is not right!! So we take no chances, I have been down this road before and this CAN'T be happening!!! I was hysterical, but trying my hardest to stay calm, ha, right! We jumped in the car and off to the Emergency Room we flew!! The car was SILENT and we just held hands while tears just rolled down my face! I couldn't help the thoughts that were running through my head. As we are walking in I can just feel it flowing, so unsettling! We get to the front desk and check in, the gal is like HUGE pregnant as I am telling her what's going on in between my tears and inconsistant breathing! We are sitting for which seemed like forever in the waiting room!! Finally they call me back, AND the lady that is helping is ALSO big belly Pregnant!! REALLY!!! This is not helping! They ask me what's going on, and then say ya we see this often, if it is a miscarriage there is really nothing we can do about it, but we will take a look! OH DON'T SAY THAT!!!! She then takes my blood pressure - HIGH, My Pulse - HIGH... Um I think you're really anxious... I wanted to say NO shit, you think!! But I held back and said well I could have told you that, that was my nice way of putting it. Then they take me to another room where he starts taking my blood, and he takes like 6 or more tubes of blood! Then he says k, go back to the waiting room cause there are no rooms open, we will call you when one opens up! UGH! Now I have a tube hanging out of my vein in my arm, bloody pants (so embarassing), throwing up, and bawling! This is a nightmare! Finally a room opens up, They hook me to an IV, give me nausea medicine and watch my blood pressure and pulse... cause they are high! The ER doctor now comes in and says so your 10 wks pregnant and bleeding, well that isn't a good sign and there's nothing we can do about it, most likely a miscarriage, but we will get you in for an ultrasound to see what's happening. Ok, well, that was re-assuring thank you!! GOSH! I mean couldn't they just say oh that's got to be scary but let's hope for the best, there are other reasons, so let's see what's going on in there! I mean keep some positivity in there, and you're curious why my stats are off the charts right now!! I haven't had any reassurance since I walked in those doors! SO I am laying in the bed trying to calm myself with Dust sitting there with this blank look on his face, but lovingly saying it will be ok!! So the u/s tech comes in and says ok lets go to see what's happening. I stand up and get into the wheelchair.. Off we go with Dust following behind! We pull up to the room, up I go again but this time I was freaked, I was dripping!!! and I look down and there is a trail!! I look at Dust and his face just has worry written all over it!! (later he tells me it was all down the hall and he was scared!) So onto the u/s table to finally see.... TWO BABIES!!! Twin B was chillen and it's heartbeat was perfect it measured 9w6d, it looked perfect!! Twin A on the other hand was WILD, it was moving all over the place, the lady kept sayin you have a wild one on your hands, it took forever to get it's heartbeat cause it was moving around so much! Finally got it and it's heartbeat was just a tad quicker than the other one but was good also, it measured 9w3d, another perfect baby! Tears and relief came over me the second I heard each heartbeat!! But then she says well now we have to find where this blood is coming from! She couldn't tell us more than that... We were in there for probably an hour and she was looking at everything if my cervix was closed, and I am not sure what else at the time.. I was still concerned but as of now I knew they were still with us, fighting to hang on!! I have two fighters inside, and Dust and I will fight on the outside!! She walks out and says she will take the results to the head radiologist and see if he wants to come take a look or if what she's got is enough. She comes back and says ok, we are ok to go back to the room! So up I go again and another gush! So concerning, what is going ON!?! Luckily I wasn't really in pain, I wasn't really crampy so that was a good sign! Back to my room we go! I am now feeling some sort of relief knowing that both babies were there! My heartrate came down and do did my pulse, oh GOOD! About 45 mins later the Dr comes back and says well you are a lucky one! You have the best news we could give you right now, It's not very often we get to say that babies are looking ok! But what has happened is that a tiny part of Twin A's placenta has come detatched, and has a subchronic hemmorage between it and my uterus!! I am told that there is still a chance of miscarriage if it happens to affect the babies, but as of now it's not! But if the bleeding worsens or continues for much longer we may have to end it, cause you could lose to much blood!! WHAT! Ugh, so the worry isn't completely over, WILL IT EVER END!?! I can't go through this! But eventually I am released, things are ok enough that I can go home. I am put on bedrest, and told not to do really anything, no exercise, no lifting... yada yada, and to get with my OB in the morning! I am so TIRED and an emotional WRECK! I go home and straight to bed at this time it's about midnight!! So the next morning, I call the OB's office, um my Dr. isn't in today! WHAT! Well, they pass the information on and tell me to just stay on bedrest and call back tomorrow! But if bleeding worsens to go back to the ER. But that day I really had just spotting, phew!! It was so minimal to what had happend last night that I had a feeling of some relief that I was ok! I ended up just laying on the couch and was given Vampire Diaries by Jay at work so what better time to start the series! It was good, I liked it and kept my mind occupied! So now Weds approaches and I call my Dr's office and leave a message with the nurse about the previous events.... While I continuing to lay there and continue with my Vampire Diaries marathon! lol By this day the bleeding is still just spotting not much, and I do have an ok feeling about the babies hanging in there! Finally around 2:00 pm I get a call from my Dr. himself. We talked and he just said to hang in there and keep takin it easy, since they say the babies and all looked fine Monday night and the bleeding has calmed we will give you a week..... At first I was upset I wanted more reassurance, but then I figured that I guess all I can do is take care of myself and these two and not stress!! Just have to take it easy, and pray that these two will stay with us, and know how much they are wanted and needed!! I still can't believe that a SNEEZE, caused this trip, well there's NO for sure thing that causes Subchronic Hematomas to happen but the sneeze ruptured mine and brought it to our attention! It was one of the scariest and rattling moments!! But as of now, all is still progressing, and it will continue too!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

8 weeks...

8 weeks yay but Boy oh Boy, am I exhausted all the time lately... I feel like I could just sleep non-stop! Plus I have nausea most of the time, nothing really ever sounds good to eat at this point, and every night is a nightmare! Every night is my "morning sickness". I can't keep anything down. It's been rough! I am not complaining, well sorta sounds like it, but I know plenty of people have experienced this and lived, so I can too!! It's just not 100% pleasant! But it couldn't be for a better reason Right!?! So I went to see my actual OB this week, and got another ultrasound, but let's just say his machine was no good! lol, it looked a 100 years old, and all we could see was circles, you couldn't make them out! Um, ya I miss my RE's office already!!He even made a comment that my previous stuff was probably way more high tech! Ahh, YA they were, but I guess they have to be! But he said that everything looked good!! So that's always a good feeling!!! So I am not scheduled to go back until April, I will be 12.5 weeks. Ok, babies keep growing!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

7.5 weeks... Heartbeats!

Twins has well, Sort of sank in... it's time to go and make sure both have strong heartbeats! This is the one we can't wait to see, I have never gotten this far, and they say once there's heartbeats your chances of miscarriage go down a little! We head in and there are still two babies, and they have already changed so much from the week before, they don't look to much like babies yet, but you can tell they are starting to take shape, it's amazing the difference!! But there were TWO heartbeats we got to see and hear them both!! What an AMAZING feel that was!! We are still progressing, and I am starting to feel pregnant... I feel nausea all the time! But worth it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

6 week SURPRISE!!

Feb 28th was the beginning of our 6th week of pregnancy, and we had an appointment scheduled to see our little one!! Dust and I were SOO excited, we couldn't wait!!! They called us back and I just couldn't stop smiling, I see my nurse, Who's name is also Carrie, and she's all are you ready to see, cause I know I am! ;) We all couldn't wait!!

So........ Here we go, Oh, there it is, Do you SEE IT!! OH WAIT, there is another ONE, let's make sure there's not THREE... WAIT WHAT.... Phew, Ok, Nope Just two!! I turned and said TWO Dust!! Twins!! Dust was just GRINNING from EAR to EAR... It was AMAZING!! TWINS!

It was still early, we couldn't see heartbeats, so we scheduled an appt for a week and a half later...

I can't believe it!! TWINS!!!

The entire ride home, that's all I kept saying... TWINS, TWINS, I can't believe it!!