Mason, Was admitted to Primary Childrens Hospital Thursday... The poor little guy started throwing up/pooping a little bit of blood Weds night and again early Thursday morning, They took him in and his pediatrician was concerned and sent them up to the hospital. They are doing some testing to find out what may be the problem. They hooked him up to an ivy.. it's So sad, to see such a little guy like that. He is still such a HAPPY baby, and is acting totally fine, so atleast whatever it may be is not causing him pain. So thursday night they did a MRI to check his stomach and ruled any type of immediate surgery. So they kept him over night, and he did great slept like a champ. Today @ 9 they gave him anesthia to put him out they are doing an endoscopy & scope to see if they can see anything inside his throat and other areas. They think he may have a cyst or he maybe allergic to cows milk. But I am hoping that everything turns out ok, he will be in the Hospital for atleast another 24 hrs after these tests are complete. But I am praying for him... I love you Mas.
Josh & Mason
Such a happy boy even with his IVY and in a strange place!
And Look he has just starting to smile...
Aw, he looks like a big boy in the hospital crib, but in really he's sooo tiny still!
Mason, Your Auntie Loves you and is thinking about you! Hugs & Kisses!