Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A let down...

So I had my follow up Dr's Appointment Monday March 8th. After being on the medications, they wanted to go take a look inside and see if my body decided to make some mature eggs and ovulate! So we arrived at the doctors, and walked right in he was honestly standing there waiting, the second I walked through the door, and YES I was on time! ha ha! We went in and did the ultrasound, and there were NO eggs, and Ovulation was not going to occure this time, I was bummed. He said that my ovaries look consitant with PCOS, which is what I have, the follicles were only a few millimeters, and lots of them, instead of 18 -20mm and 7 or so like normal women. But the doctor seemed hopefull that it will happen! So we are doing round two, Progestrone for a week, Week off, & Clomid (Doubled my Dose) .... So Let's keep our fingers crossed it will work this month, if not he said next time he will add another medication to it, and he's pretty sure that would work! My original thought is well if your sure that would work just do that!!! But, you have gotta start somewhere and work up, and I have to trust the Doctor even though I am so skeptical of them all! So anyways, I trying to stay positive and tell myself that this month it will work. I go back April 1st, APRIL fools Day.... So on to ROUND TWO. :)


Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

Geez... of course your next appointment is on April Fools Day. I hope this next month goes well and you can finally start that family that you've been wanting. Just remember it will happen when the time is right.
Love you!

VanOrden Family said...

How frustrating! Keep at it girl! We all love you and are thinking of you!

Angie said...

I am praying for you. I am really excited for you, it seems so close! I hope it's this month.

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

Thank you girls!! :o) I hope the time is right this month! Keeping high hopes!

Travis Sadi and Taiya said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys... hang in there. It WILL happen!!!

Josh and Megan said...

Your little family is sooooooo in our prayers! We love you and you will be blessed with a baby someday!