Thursday, August 21, 2008


So last night was an eventful night!

I went through so many emotions, I swear everything hits at once, Well to start out my youngest brother Jordan received his mission call yesterday so we all gathered together for the opening and... bum bum bum, he is going to the Georgia - Macon mission, he leaves Nov. 19, exciting and sadening all at the same time. Atleast we have three months to prepare before he leaves. I am so proud of him.

Then, I went from that news, to saying goodbye to my adorable brother-n-law Jake, He's moving to St. George to go to school at Dixie. Im really going to miss him, he brings lots of laughter & joy into our lives! Im looking forward to seeing him grow. And hey it also, gives us reason to get away and go visit! :)

So, then after the tears and the happiness that was behind the tears, I get news from a family friend that she had an ultrasound Monday, and is... HAVING TWINS! WOW! This will be her fourth and fifth baby! Her last one just barely turned 1, so three in a row! But it was exciting news!

Well, I will sum up by saying that I am so proud of my Brothers for making these BIG steps for there future! I love them!!