Friday, January 30, 2009

WOW, I have been MIA

So I have been Missing in Action lately! I have been working WAY too much! But I am setting myself up for an awesome opportunity! One of the companies that I work for has decided to break off and do it's own thing and has asked me to go with them. So I have been working day and night trying to stay caught up on the current day to day stuff, catch up on the stuff that was left behind, and setup a new system / accounting software all at the same time. I have felt pretty overwhelmed with the whole thing but, I just have to keep telling myself that I am doing this for my future! Once, I get everything going I will pretty much be my own boss, I will have on person to answer too! And I will be able to work around having a family...Atleast that's what I am hoping comes out of this all. ;) So working is my life right now, while hanging out with my husband every so often, ha ha, I know that good things will come out of this.

But I am really excited for This Saturday, I am going to see My Friends, and Meet Angie's baby, Kenley, and I can't wait!! :) See ya girls tomorrow!


Angie said...

I am so glad to hear you are coming tomorrow. I can't wait to see you, it's been way to long. I am so happy for you to move up in your job, I hope everything works out great.

Travis Sadi and Taiya said...

Carrie!!! I was so excited when I found your blog! Its so good to see what you have been up to and how your doing. It looks like life is going really good. Where are you guys living at now?