Sunday, February 15, 2009

GREAT Things DO Happen...

Well Hello... So I have a skip in my beat... It was such a GREAT weekend. #1 Reason MY HUBBY... He is so WONDERFUL. So For Valentines day he bought me some jewelry, I love them! A necklace and earings that match they are so pretty & so me! Thanks, Babe! Plus We finally have claimed our house back, My In-Laws found a place and Moved out Saturday they were out by 4:00 P.M. then Dust and I went and enjoyed an early dinner, to Beat the RUSH it worked great we waited 10 Mins. Then we went home and enjoyed our home and time together watched a few movies and just relaxed with each other! IT was so NICE! What a GOOD feeling... I love you Dust!

1 comment:

Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

I'm am so very very happy for you.