Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally Clear..

Monday August 3rd, I went in for my last blood test, My HCG levels are finally down to 2. So I don't have to go have any more tests done. My doctor did state that I now have a higher chance of this happening again, and I am now a high risk patient and will have to be watched closely during pregnancies. I have to wait atleast a month and half before we can start trying since the Methotrexate shot can last in my system for up to a month at minimum. So I need to make sure that's cleared out before I concieve. So then it's back on the ban wagon for us... We have a few steps setup with the doctor. He wants me to try for a few months on my own with no help, which at first I was really upset about because I was so close to having help. But hey If I can have it happen on my own it's that much better... If I don't have my "friend" come soon he will try putting me on progesterone and see if that will help though after a few months. And then the second I find out I am pregnant again I have to be put on some medications to help it all along. But I am finally feeling like my body is back to normal and I am feeling pretty good! So I just hope this next month goes by quickly... So that we can start trying again!! And get our precious little one here! ;)

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