Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ER... 13!?!... YES

So Monday Jan. 31, 2011 it happened!! I went in at 8:00 am, I was actually extremely nervous!! All the nurses could tell! They all just kept saying you will be fine! You may actually want to come back after this, just for the meds. haha! So I got all ready, and first step an IV... Eek, but ok not so bad, you would think after the last two years I would be totally fine with needles I mean geez the last 2 weeks I have had 3 injections daily! But my nerves still get the best of me! Anyways, I walk into the room and sit in the funky chair, that they tip you right on back in... then the Dr.'s all suited up walk in.. The nurse leans over and says I'm starting your drugs! Um, ya pretty much the last thing I remember!! I know I was awake, and I remember one nurse whispering I am sorry we have to push on your stomach (my left ovary is really hard to get too)! Then I remember waking up to some orange juice, and my hubby sitting next to me! Aw, and it's over! WELL atleast that part!! They were able to extract 13 eggs!! Wahoo!! Now, I have to wait until Weds for the phone call of there quality, how many fertilized / survived and when the transfer day will be!! It's been a trying process, but I am hoping that in the end it will SOO BE WORTH IT ALL!!! Alright, I'm going to relax, I'm still re-coping! ;-)


VanOrden Family said...

Get some rest! Thanks for keeping us updated! I'm hoping the best for you! Loves!

Angie said...

I'm so excited for you!! I am glad to hear everything is going great. 13 eggs is great! I hope you can relax and feel better! I hope this is all worth it too!! Keep me posted.

Josh and Megan said...

wow! I am tearing up just reading this! I know how NERVOUS you were!! I love you sister and am so happy that they were able to get 13 eggs! That is so great!

The Swenson Fam! said...

I'm so glad to hear what's been going on! I've been thinking about you lots! Love ya, get some rest and I can't wait to hear more!