Monday, April 26, 2010

Family Time

This past weekend, I spent some time with my sisters and grandma, I have asked my grandma many times to teach me to crochet, and she is always willing too, and I just keep putting it off, so this last Sunday we spent the day learning! It was lots of fun to be with my sisters and grandma. She was so excited that we were interested in learning some of her interests. She has always made baby stuff for her grandbabies and now for her great grandbabies, and was really excited to pass on her knowledge of it. She has been knitting and crocheting since she was 12 years old she said. She used to make her own clothes and stuff. So it's really neat to have her teach me. She is sooo quick and makes it look so easy! I have gotten it down, but still way slow! I can't wait to learn how to actually make something. We just got the basic stuff down, it felt so strange to get used to, my fingers just didn't want to learn how to move hold it and move at the same time. It will get easier, I hope. Can't wait to learn more!! But I just absolutely love spending time with my family!

1 comment:

Josh and Megan said...

I wanna see pics of all your cool new STUFF!!!