Thursday, January 13, 2011

A new GLEEK right here!

January, I have been waiting for YOU, as you will see with my posts ;)!! So this month has been good, exciting, nerve wrecking all at the same time!! So let's start off with my new obsession... GLEE!! Amie my sister-n-law has always loved Glee and has told me to watch it, cause if you didn't know I just love Musical stuff! I always blew it off and never did, I know rude right! Well for Christmas she got the whole first season, so she said take this home and watch it, Sooooo, That was a mistake!! lol. The next week Dustin went snowboarding so I figured what the hey... AND BOOM instant LOVE! I watched it from 1pm to 2 am NON-STOP.. Dust had come home and went right to sleep and I couldn't stop, I just watched and watched!! I finished 22 episodes in 2 days!! I guess I should say One night into the morning! lol that's almost 22 hrs, I know I know, Did I feel lazy sitting there for that long watching, YES! But could I stop, NO!! So instantly I was hooked! And became OBSESSED, I will fully admit it, I mean look I am BLOGGING about it!! lol I instantly feel in love with the characters and the singing, oh oh and dancing! So I bought season one, YAY! And I bought all of the music from the show, DOUBLE YAY! And I have been jamming out to it ever since!! I also found the first half of season 2 TRIPLE YAYA! on Hulu.... watched those within the week, I am all caught up and Sooo ready for the second half of season 2 to begin after the superbowl, what what!! I know I sound crazy, but It really helped to take my mind of the stresses of the upcoming events and just enjoy the time being! It made me feel really good, I'm I cheesy enough yet... I know!! ;-) But it's official I am a GLEEK!


Josh and Megan said...

oh my funny....BECAUSE I'M a TOTAL GLEEK TOO NOW!!! I watched ONE episode after purposely NEVER watching them because I hate musicals, but now I LOVE THEM!!!
My fave lady: SUE SYLVESTER! her humor is so dry, I've felt my skin crack because its so dry!

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

Really, Haha That's awesome!! It's so good!! I can't even pick a favorite character! But Sue does for sure add some insane moments and humor to the show! I want to go to LA and find the set, I would love to stalk them! lol

Josh and Megan said...

Come visit us, we'll take you to the set!

Dustin & Carrie Jenkins said...

haha, I know!! Maybe when all my stuff is done we can plan a trip out there! I miss you guys!