Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1st Snow Storm..

Aw I love the SNOW, I think that it is so pretty to have white all over... I woke up this morning and I could just hear the snow coming down outside, and Brody was ready to go out and play. Usually I wake up and he stays in bed the whole time I shower & get ready and I have to literally uncover him cause when dustin leaves in the morning he takes his warm spot and dust covers him up (like a baby I know we are nuts)

but so usually I wake him up to let him out before I leave for the day, but NOT this morning, he was waking me up to go out and play... So I dragged my butt out of bed earlier than usual (which was a good thing since the snow) and let him outside... He just started running back and forth, scooping up the snow in his mouth, and kept putting his front paws down and his butt in the air tail going insane and then would "fake bark" (he does this dark with his mouth but nothing come out - hilarious) to come and play...

I was such a fun start for the morning... I felt bad making him come inside for the day. I wished I could have stayed home and played in the snow all day with him...
Happy first snow everyone!!!


Cole and Stephanie Fowler said...

Your crazy for loving the snow... hahaha!!
What cute pictures of your puppy!!

The Perkins Family said...

awe..cute doggie. your soo sweet to your dogs probably think i abandoned them when emmet was born. cute pics in the snow too! gets me all giddy for the holiday season!